Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Overused today, one of my pet hates is the word “trendy”. At the end of the day, what does “trendy” mean exactly? Is it that loose term which defines what is in or it in fashion? Somebody was writing on Twitter about the it bags of the season and it set me thinking how lame and shallow it is to promote purely material values which are so out in the blink of an eye.
What has become of the understated vintage elegance of our ancestors, the aesthetic sixth sense, the common sense which we should hold on to and have in our wallet before running payments through the POS machine?
Let’s revise quickly what has been trendy so far: do you guys remember the excruciating Argyll sweaters that men would wear with a tie, the acid washed jeans, the flared trousers, the hipsters, the “old school” pleated tiny micro skirts, the huge and tasteless platforms manga shoes, to name just a few tendencies of the recent past?
Or what about the ugg boots that mall bunnies are wearing these days as they would wear a uniform? Is this a new epidemic and they failed to warn us to get inoculated?
What are the trendy colours this season? And here I was banking on what becomes me, just like that.
Sometimes, in a vanity attack, I mentally go through a list of what I’m wearing. Most of my clothes revolve around the following colours: beige, ivory, nude, black, grey, khakhi, brown, pearl, baby blue. My accessories are all vintage-like: leather, silver, crystals, feathers, beads. My favourite perfume: Chanel no. 19 or Narciso Rodriguez For Her, I can’t decide. Which one is for daywear and which one for eveningwear? DK and it doesn’t really matter. I love the minimalist-vintage style and I have no clue whether it is hot or not, or if it even exists as a concept. Nor do I care.
Fashion passes, style remains is a quote that has been used so much, unfortunately, that now its fame has turned back on itself like a boomerang. People have forgotten what style really is. 

In Tendinte

Scria cineva pe Twitter despre gentile "in tendinte" din sezonul primavara/vara si ma gindeam ce lipsit de substanta este sa promovam valori pur materiale care, cum de clipesti, gata, au si iesit din schema.
Ce s-a intimplat intre timp cu eleganta proverbiala a bunicilor, cu simtul estetic si cu bunul gust pe care ar trebui sa il avem in portofel inainte de a face plati prin POS?
Sa recapitulam pe scurt cam ce a fost in tendinte pina acum: sa ne aducem aminte de pantofii cu ciucurei pe care ii purtau barbatii prin anii '90, de blugii prespalati, de fustitele "old school" cu nume de magazin :) (micro) sau de mega platformele odioase in stilul manga? Sau mai recent, de cizmele ugg- este cumva vreo epidemie si nu ne-au anuntat si pe noi sa ne vaccinam?
Care sint culorile "la moda"? Si eu care credeam in ceea ce imi vine bine si se potriveste cu ... mine, pur si simplu.
Citeodata, lovita de vanitate, trec in revista cu ce ma imbrac. Majoritatea hainelor mele se invirt in jurul urmatoarelor culori: bej, ivoire, nude, negru, denim, khakhi, maro-castana, gri, perla, baby blue. Accesorile sint (in stil) vintage: argint, cristale, pene, margele. Parfumul preferat: Chanel no. 19 sau Narciso Rodriguez For Her. Nici nu stau sa ma gindesc daca e de zi sau de seara. Totul depinde de inspiratie, de starea mea de spirit, si de ce arunc in geanta inainte sa plec din casa. Cam atit. Imi place stilul vintage-minimalist si nici nu stiu daca e la moda sau nu. It's just me, asi soy yo.
Moda trece, stilul ramine e un dicton prea mult utilizat, atit de mult incit am uitat sensul expresiei. Repetitia e insa mama invataturii pentru ca, da, tendintele vin si pleaca, dar stilul nu moare niciodata.